The History of the APPG
The APPG was set up on 24th March 1987. You can read the transcript of the first ever meeting below.
Lord Kilmarnock
First Chair
Rt Hon Chris Smith MP
First Vice Chair
Piers Merchant MP
First Vice Chair
Archie Kirkwood MP
First Treasurer
Previous Chairs
Robert Key MP
Chair 1996-1997
Neil Gerrard MP
Chair - 1997-2009
David Borrow MP
Chair 2009 -2010
David Cairns MP
Chair - 2010-2011
Pam Nash MP
Chair - 2011-2015
Mike Freer MP
Chair - 2015 -2016
Stephen Doughty MP
Chair - 2016-2021
Mark Lewis, November 2020 – Present
Susy Pelly, July 2013 - November 2020
Tom Addison, January 2017- October 2017
Matt Grady, January 2015 – January 2016
Heather Alcock, March 2011 – May 2013
Veronica Oakeshott, April 2008 – January 2011
Aviva Bresky, January 2005 – January 2008
Edwidge Fortier, September 2002 – December 2004
Simon Wright, 1999-2002
Saul Walker, 1998-1999
Jane Hatfield 1995-1998
Asif Ali, 1994-1994
Georgie Vestey, 1993 -1997