The APPG on HIV and AIDS and APPG on Mental Health are putting out a call for written evidence as part of an inquiry into HIV and Mental Health in England.
According to the National Institute for Mental Health and Public Health England’s most recent (2018) report on the HIV epidemic in the UK, people living with HIV are twice as likely to have anxiety and depression compared to those who are not living with HIV. Some forms of stress can contribute to mental health challenges for people living with HIV, including:
Having trouble getting the services you need
Experiencing a loss of social support, resulting in isolation
Experiencing a loss of employment or worries about whether you will be able to perform your work as you did before
Making decisions about whether and how to tell others about your status
Managing your HIV medicines
Going through changes in your physical appearance or abilities due to HIV/AIDS
Dealing with loss, including the loss of relationships or even death
Facing the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS
Submissions to the inquiry should be sent to Susie Pelly by email at by 5pm on 5th April 2019. If you have any questions about the terms of reference please contact the Policy Advisor to the APPG on HIV and AIDS Susie Pelly at the same email address as above. Submissions are welcome from all people and organisations with an interest in HIV and mental health. Please clearly outline the organisation if applicable you work for and your contact details.
To read the full terms of reference for the inquiry including questions to guide your submission please click on link below.